
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mile 363: Natchez (not nachos)

Luck was with us this morning. Woke early to a perfect sunny day. Davey caught a cat fish and breakfast was omega filled. Some duck hunters boated up to us looking like an army boat. Nice guys. Chatted and gave us oranges and sodas. we covered the 25 miles in just 3 hours with the wind with us and sun on our face (red nose). Docked and entered the 1820 waterfront bar, Under The Hill saloon at noon and a patron bought us 3 beers each for our efforts. Checked into a $45 motel and headed into this historic town (one of the few saved from being burned during the civil war). Supposed to be fire works tonight for xmas. Theres a holiday ice rink but no one knows how to skate. Priceless.
new mantra - My legs are weak; my arms strong ; been in the canoe a little long; gonna need a beer to carry on. ~ me.


  1. I like the mantra! Keep on keeping on!

  2. Will do. I'm still polishing up the mantra. It doesn't quite have the right ring to it. I have the time to do so on the river. Think my chest muscles will be amazing!
