
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mile 115?: Amongst giants; suicide alley part II

Today was blues skies and hot sunshine. For parts of the day one shore was peaceful and green; the other shore was larger and larger factories billowing smoke; then the shore became wall to wall lines of barges awaiting picking up. In a way this became the new norm, the steel levy.Passing by titanic sized ships being loaded with coal and chemicals was often awe-inspiring. Watching tiny men walk their lengths. We watched the movements of all things metal; studied them; and reacted to them with patience as we drifted by. Manmade rapids would appear an challenge us. Such a strange challenge. Land of giants.

Then the river gave way to a long serene stretch, like peaceful lake forged by miles of dam to one side. Its calm made me nervous. We came across a migration of thousands of tiny ducks amid the barges. They would fly and land near us again and again.

We are camped somewhere between barges. Workers are busy. A fire seems improbable. 20 miles outside New Orleans. My arms hurt <whine>

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine your tiny canoe next to those huge barges floating down the river. Crazy!
