We had to wait until noon for the river fog to clear. Zero visibility until then. Thunderstorms and rain loomed but we just got wind on us that created 1-2 foot waves the length of our path down glorious Suicide Alley. For 15 miles the graineries and shore factories were got bigger and closer. Awaiting barges lined the shore. But while we hit arm exhausting chops down this stretch there was little traffic. Im almost sad.
At this point the barge traffic stops and gives way to larger ships like the one pictures that head the rest of the way to sea. They dont move very often. We just pass a lot of them.
Still seeing eagles. Perhaps a migration.
We've made it to Gramercy. Davy is anxious. His last attempt at this river ended at this same town in 2010 when his expensive kayak was stolen. Just 150 miles to go. Or as he says "hes almost there". Being the hitchhiker; I'm only halfway there myself. ;)
Just caught up on your adventure. Love it! Stay safe.