
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Knock Knock Its barge. Come barging in.

For the longest time no barges passed last night. We had made it roughly 20 miles down river in 3 hours.Past a dredging barge planted in th water to clear channel for barges. A barge or two snuck by in the night. One coming up river took what felt like an hour of distant rumbling and passed in the early night. The only sign of human life yet mechanical and ominous like the approach of Russian sub or alien warship. This morning there was loud sound of trees crashing and breaking. Of all the spots on the mighty a long barge had settled so close to the our shore that we thought we might have lost the canoe. Not sure who surprised who or if we chose the spot for the same reason. These boats are like aircraft carries to our native American canoe, or Huck Finn raft. This is not Mark Twains Mississippi. This is the lifeline of shipping to the center of the country. And compared to train or
truck shipping is super efficient. Rich with history.

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