
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The key to the cities: UNLIMITED bus pass.

Here it is, unfettered access to almost any destination in the US and Canada (at the slowest possible pace). At 6AM I was on the train to Hartford tiredly gazing the sunrise; don't think I've yet begun travel without a sleepless night of preparations. 
At the Greyhound counter the attendant priced the ticket at a 100 more than the website (citing lower online prices). She wasn't nice, however the other attendant was, especially when I questioned if the ticket price was higher because they had given me a 60 day pass (rather than the 30). I was correct, but decided that an extra month for a $100 was a good enough deal to hang onto (and hadn't been advertised): $556 to go anywhere. How will this change my plans?
Overnight all the way thru to Asheville, NC - 24 straight hours. Sorta comfortable, mainly because of the frilly travel pillow I brought not because of the seats or cold air. Half of the Greyhound attendants and drivers are mean, half are amazingly friendly. Guess they deal with a real mixed crowd.  Should I be hopping trains like Kerouac?

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